how to decide if a movie is safe for kids

how to decide if a movie is safe for kids

  • 3 Tips for Staying Healthy While Binge Watching Your Favorite TV Show

    According to a 2013 study conducted online, approximately 61 percent of Americans binge watch televisions shows on a regular basis. It's a great way to relax and catch up on missed episodes or whole seasons. While binge watching itself isn't particularly harmful, some of the behaviors involved in the activity can be. Here are 3 tips for staying healthy while marathoning your favorite shows. Have Healthy Snacks on Hand Many people have been socially conditioned to eat while watching television, and studies indicate they consume more food when doing so.

  • About Me

    how to decide if a movie is safe for kids

    Do you have kids that are becoming interested in going to the movies? Do you worry that you will pay for admission for you and your kids and a few minutes into the movie realize that the movie is a little racy for your kids? I have done this in the past and it really breaks my heart when I have to pull the kids out of the theater because I don't like the language, the violence level and the amount of skin being shown, so I have begun researching ways to decide what movies are appropriate for kids of all ages. My blog explains it all, so you can avoid the uncomfortable situation of removing your kids from a theater.
